Sixth Form

Interested in joining the CCHS Sixth Form? View our films to hear from students and staff about the wealth of opportunities that await you.

The Sixth Form at Chelmsford County High School is very dynamic, vibrant and purposeful. In the two years the students are with us, they not only make great progress academically in their chosen subjects, but also have opportunities to participate in a range of activities outside the classroom that will develop both their thinking and a broad range of life and leadership skills.

They receive support in developing their career plans and will be able to draw on our extensive experience in the UCAS application process and in applications to the top universities. They enjoy studying in this focused environment, and we would expect them to make the most of the opportunities available to them here, to set themselves challenging targets and achieve their full potential.

We are delighted to offer a broad and varied curriculum to our Sixth Form Students, allowing them to choose a personalised course to best suit their individual needs. All students  will follow an A Level course, generally studying four subjects to A Level. There are further opportunities to enrich their studies.

While the academic course that students choose to follow forms the core of their Sixth Form life, they will also be broadening their experience by developing other skills during their time here to complement their academic progress and achievements.

All students in Year 12 contribute to the school or local community though Community Service. They can choose from a variety of options and students often choose an activity which gives them valuable experience linked to their future career plans. They will also have the opportunity to take on a leadership role. The prefect year runs from February to February and, by taking on a post of responsibility during their time in the Sixth Form, they will be acquiring a valuable experience and leadership skills while contributing to the smooth running of the school. There are a very large number of co-curricular activities on offer, many of which are student led. From Med Soc to Samba Band, there are sure to be activities that will be of interest to everyone, not only to attend, but also to help to run.

We value each girl as an individual, and as such offer all students a strong programme of care, guidance and pastoral support, details of which follow on further website pages.

We look forward to welcoming you to the School.

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