
Student Survey

8th December 2021

Autumn 2021 A recent survey delivered to all CCHS students was completed during the Autumn Term, resulting in a return of 858 individual responses. Feedback includes 220 responses from our Sixth Form students. We are delighted to report that: 93% of our students said they were confident or very confident in the quality of education…

GCSE Results 2021

12th August 2021

GCSE results, 2021 It is my privilege, on behalf of the CCHS community, to congratulate each one of our extraordinary Year 11 students for all that they have achieved during their GCSE studies, and indeed since they first joined their school – a community which has been inspired by their example. Alongside Year 13 students,…

A Level Results 2021

10th August 2021

A Level results, 2021 On behalf of the CCHS School community, I would like to congratulate and celebrate all our amazing Year 13 students on their hard work and accomplishments during their A level studies.  Alongside their academic achievements, this year group should also be commended for their maturity and fortitude, given the extraordinary situation…

GCSE Day – August 2020

20th August 2020

Continuing unprecedented and challenging times – more extraordinary and inspirational students On behalf of the whole School community, Stephen Lawlor, Headteacher at CCHS said:  “I would like to congratulate all of our Year 11 students on their hard work and achievements during their GCSE studies. Alongside Year 13 students, our GCSE students should be recognised…

A Level Results 2020

13th August 2020

On behalf of the whole School community, I would like to congratulate all of our Year 13 students on their hard work and successes during their A level studies. Alongside their academic achievements, this year group should also be recognised for how well they have dealt with the unprecedented circumstances in which they found themselves….

Impressive GCSE Results for CCHS students

22nd August 2019

Our students have once again responded very well to the increased challenge brought about by the recently introduced GCSE grading and more rigorous assessment.   For the second year the removal of coursework did not affect outcomes for our students who worked particularly hard towards the requirements.  84% top grades is most impressive for CCHS students…

CCHS celebrates an outstanding crop of A level results

15th August 2019

The students of Chelmsford County High School for Girls have once again shown that they can compete with the very best in the country across the whole range of A level subjects. The students and the School are today celebrating outstanding results with 84% of A level grades being at A*, A or B. Indeed…

Girls show their cyber skills to reach finals challenge

14th March 2019

Young women are answering the call for cyber security experts of the future as efforts to address the present gender imbalance bear fruit with record number of participants in GCHQ led competition. To mark International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has today announced in excess of a…

GCSE Results 2018

23rd August 2018

Our students have worked conscientiously towards achieving their best again this year, with an impressive 87% of grades at 9/8/7, and nearly half at grade 9. As ever when new assessments are introduced, our teachers were cautious in their predictions, consequently, all have been exceeded – 14 students achieved an exceptional average of a grade…

Students celebrate another year of A Level success

16th August 2018

Year 13 students at Chelmsford County High School for Girls are celebrating some excellent A level results, showing that they have responded well to the challenges of the new specifications. The school is particularly pleased by the fact that 34% of students received three or more A* or A grades and 11% achieved four or…