
9-15th May 2002: Mental Health Awareness Week

9th May 2022

  9th-15th May is Mental Health Awareness Week across the country, with the following theme: ‘together we can tackle loneliness’   Mental Health Awareness Week | Mental Health Foundation Mental Health Awareness Week 2022 – Mental Health UK (

Open Evening 2022

29th April 2022

  It was wonderful to welcome so many families to our Open Evening yesterday. Thank you for visiting our school, as we look forward to welcoming the next cohort of girls to join the CCHS community.

Speech Day 2022

20th April 2022

We are looking forward to Speech Day, at Chelmsford Cathedral, later today – an opportunity to congratulate and celebrate the work and achievements of senior students and alumnae.

End of Spring Term – Thank You

1st April 2022

  Congratulations to our students and staff for all their hard work and achievements this term. Thank you to parents and our governors for their support and encouragement. We wish CCHS families well over the Easter break and look forward to welcoming our students and colleagues back to school for the Summer Term.

Spring Concerts – Thank You

1st April 2022

Live music returned to CCHS this week with our Spring Concerts. The standard of playing, the variety of the programme, the joy in the performances, and the appreciation from the audiences – the concerts were a triumph! Thank you to all our brilliant student musicians and our wonderful Music Department.  

Women’s History Month: Celebrating past, present and future women in our school community

31st March 2022

  To conclude our Women’s History Month commemorations we would like to celebrate all the women in our school community past, present and future. As a school we are extremely proud of our commitment to girls’ education and of our incredible students, colleagues and their families. It is fitting that this week we are also…

Industrial Cadets: Leonardo UK Visit

31st March 2022

  Thank you to Jake and Jacob for organising a very busy and productive morning @Leonardo_UK for our students. They had a fantastic time learning more about the company and working on their Industrial Cadet Bronze Project.

Women’s History Month: Florence Howes

30th March 2022

Today our History Department are celebrating the work of Florence Howes. Born in Brooklyn in 1929, Howe was introduced to feminism when she participated in the civil rights and anti-war movements of the 1960s. During that time she taught at a Freedom School in Mississippi as part of an effort to close the educational opportunity…