
Alumnae Event – 13th July 2022

14th July 2022

    We were thrilled to welcome back former students and colleagues yesterday afternoon, to catch up with each other and with staff, and to see the wonderful new buildings.

Year 10 Parents’ Evening

13th July 2022

  It was wonderful to welcome families to our Year 10 Parents’ Evening yesterday. Congratulations to our students and thank you to staff and parents.

Flower Fest 2022

11th July 2022

  A superb celebration of our school’s heart, brain and ethos, with ‘Flower Fest’ last week. Peace, Unity and Love – with money raised for the vital work of the British Red Cross.

Guest Speaker – Dr Katy Barrett

8th July 2022

  We are excited to welcome guest speaker Dr Katy Barrett to CCHS today, who will be talking about her career in art curating and her role as Head of Interpretation at the Houses of Parliament.

Summer School 2022

6th July 2022

  We are thrilled to welcome girls from our partner primary schools, today and tomorrow, to our Summer School, as part of our outreach and fair access work.

Sports Day 2022

5th July 2022

We are holding our House Athletics Championship (Sports Day) today – all the best to our participants!

New Intake Day – 29th June 2022

29th June 2022

It was wonderful to welcome students who will join us in Year 7 come September. Our New Intake Day was a great success – congratulations to all the students and thank you to school staff.

17th June 2022

  Huge thanks to the Every Child Online organisation for their donation of IT equipment to us today – Mr Lawlor and some of our Year 7 students personally took delivery of the items!

CCHS Student Highly Commended in University of Oxford Flash Fiction Competition 2022

15th June 2022

  Well done to Khalen in Year 11, who was highly commended in the University of Oxford Flash Fiction Competition 2022.