
Author – Sufiya Ahmed

9th March 2023

We look forward to welcoming the author Sufiya Ahmed to CCHS to work with our Year 7 students today. CCHS Reading Strategy – Chelmsford County High School for Girls Library – Chelmsford County High School for Girls (

International Coalition of Girls’ Schools – ICGS

8th March 2023

Chelmsford County High School for Girls is a proud founding member of the International Coalition of Girls’ Schools (ICGS), which is a global network united in advancing women’s leadership through education and empowerment. ICGS – The International Coalition of Girls’ Schools is the leading advocate for girls’ education worldwide. (

Happy Holi

8th March 2023

We wish a Happy Holi to all of our Hindu students, and a colourful day playing with Gulal! Holi represents many things, including the arrival of spring and the triumph of good over evil.

International Women’s Day 2023

8th March 2023

For over 100 years, people around the world have marked International Women’s Day on 8th March, celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women and focusing attention on the work that still needs to be done to accelerate gender equality. International Women’s Day 2023: “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality” | UN…

Happy Purim

7th March 2023

Today we wish our Jewish students a Happy Purim, a joyous festival that commemorates the defeat of a Persian king that opposed Jewish people over 2000 years ago. The story is related in the biblical Book of Esther.

Dance Show – ‘Illuminate’

6th March 2023

We are looking forward to our annual Dance Show this week – ‘Illuminate’.

World Book Day

2nd March 2023

“This year, World Book Day is taking place on Thursday 2nd March 2023 and the emphasis is on making it YOUR World Book Day. Since it was first celebrated in the UK and Ireland over 25 years ago, the day has grown to become an essential calendar fixture for schools and communities.” World Book Day 2023 – Ideas and…

World Book Day – Book Token

24th February 2023

This year’s World Book Day book tokens are in electronic form. To access your book token please scan the QR code below and click on the relevant yellow button on the website. As ever, the book token is worth £1 and can be exchanged for either a special WBD £1 book or put towards any…

Made for More

24th February 2023

Thank you to our colleagues at Made for More for providing all our Year 11 students with resource packs to support their studying and revision work. A big thank you to Emma Alleway for her work with and support for CCHS students over many years.  

Institute of Physics and Chelmsford Science and Engineering Society Lecture

23rd February 2023

We are looking forward to hosting an early edition of the Institute of Physics and Chelmsford Science and Engineering Society lecture tomorrow afternoon. ‘Quantum Key Distribution – a possible solution to uncrackable computer networks’ Institute of Physics – For physics • For physicists • For all : Institute of Physics ( CSES (Chelmsford Science and…