We are currently fully subscribed in all Year Groups. If you would like your child to be added to our waiting list, please complete and return the In-Year Application Form.
Numbers and over-subscription for in-year entries in Years 8-11
In-year applications for places in these years will be tested if and when a place becomes available. Applicants at this stage are placed on our waiting list. Where an in-year vacancy does occur because of a student leaving the roll of the School, all applicants on the waiting list will be invited to sit a test set by the School. The test will not aim to replicate the CCHS Entrance Test but will seek to establish whether the applicant can sustain the pace of the school’s classroom education and fit within the ability levels and parameters of achievement of the relevant year group. The place will be offered to the applicant with the highest score. An age-related weighting is applied as some applicants who have taken the test in a previous sitting and not been successful are also considered.
There is a right to appeal.
If a number of applicants are tested at the same time for a place or places and results of the tests indicate it is not possible to discriminate between the last two candidates qualifying for a place academically, preference will first be given to an applicant who is a Looked After or Previously Looked After Child and second to any applicant in receipt of pupil premium (evidence will be required). If this does not resolve the matter, then preference will be given to the applicant(s) who live(s) closest to the school by straight line measurement to the permanent home address (as detailed by the Residency Clause above in 1.3) by way of electronic measurement. In the unlikely event of two applicants with an identical distance competing for a single place, the place will be offered to one applicant on the basis of lots drawn by an independent person.
Any opportunities for places that may arise in Years 8 -11 will be advertised on the school website.
Resubmission and Timing of In-Year Applications
If an application for admission is unsuccessful, the applicant will remain in the order of merit for their year group. They will not be entitled to re-sit the entry examination during the key stage but will be considered for any future vacancies alongside any new applicants. An applicant who has taken a test for in-year admission in Key Stage 3 may be retested once they reach Key Stage 4.