At some time in our lives we all have to undergo the rigour of the formal interview, be it for Higher Education or future employment. It is therefore very important that our girls are offered this valuable experience before leaving school, and to this end the Parents’ Association organises practice interviews. All Year 13 girls are invited to attend, and these take place over two weekends in October.
The students are asked to identify the subject area that will form the basis of their interview. This may be highly specific; students may wish to study Medicine, Engineering or Law, or they may wish to study an academic subject such as Physics at university. A brief information sheet and their UCAS Personal Statement are provided by the student and forwarded to Interviewers as background information.
Our volunteer Interviewers are often parents or people with a close association with the school. They may have specific expertise either subject related or general business skills and are happy to give up some of their weekend to help. We are always in need of more interviewers and welcome contact from people from all areas of business and industry. The interviews take place at a location away from the familiarity of the school campus to give a more realistic experience and each interview is conducted by two interviewers. Afterwards each student is given positive feedback on how the interview went and advised on any areas that may be improved. The feedback from the girls is that they find this a very useful experience.
If you feel you can offer any help in this area, please contact Mrs Rowan Carroll:-