Chelmsford County High School for Girls celebrates another year of outstanding examination results, both in the International Baccalaureate and at A2. In the IB 83% of the grades awarded were the top grades of 7/6/5, reflecting all the hard work of the students in studying six subjects as well as the core programme. Three students achieved over 40 points, with our top scoring IB student, Jodie Sheehan, achieving a magnificent 43 points. This result places her in the top 1% of all those candidates (some 140000) who sat the IB around the world. Jodie will be taking up a place to read English Literature at the University of York. Kirsty Bekoe-Tabiri with 42 points will be reading Architecture and Olivia Malmose-O’Connor with 40 points will be reading Human, Social and Political Sciences at Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge.
We are delighted that this year’s A Level results reflect an equally high standard of achievement amongst our Year 13 students, with nearly 20% of our results at A* and over 56% of all grades awarded at A or A*. Nine students achieved three or more A* grades. Our top performing student was Sophie Oldroyd, who will be taking up a place to study Engineering at Lady Margaret Hall in the University of Oxford. We are proud of the range of high quality and competitive courses to which our students have been admitted; whilst we celebrate the achievements of 14 students in taking up places in the universities of Oxford and Cambridge we are also incredibly pleased with successes in helping students to study courses as diverse as Games Design, Architecture and Philosophy. The school is also pleased to report that a significant number of students will be studying languages (from Mandarin to Ancient Greek by way of Japanese) at university; in this as in the number of students who have chosen to pursue courses in Engineering and in pure science the school continues to buck national trends.
All students will celebrate impressive personal achievements whilst at the same time demonstrating the importance of leading balanced lives, keeping up interests and contributing to the school community and beyond. For example Eve French, who achieved the remarkable results of four A* grades and one A, continued throughout to play a huge role in both music and drama in the school and in the Chelmsford Young Generation drama society. She will certainly be an asset to Selwyn College in Cambridge where she is to read Classics. Charlene Tang, who will read Natural Sciences at Trinity College, University of Cambridge combined her commitment to Music and to theatre production in school, with the impressive achievement of being selected for the second round of the British Society of Biology Olympiad competition, which put her in the top 16 students nationally. Other students have also achieved a very great deal in sports as diverse as Karate and Triathlon and in a huge range of other fields of endeavour.
We are very proud of all our students who have worked so hard and received public examination results this summer; we also celebrate the dedication of their teachers and the hugely valuable support of their parents, neither of which can be underestimated.
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