Pupil Premium

Information for Year 5 Students in receipt of the pupil premium grant

As part of our Fair Access and Partnership work for Year 5 students in receipt of Pupil Premium grant and living at a permanent home within the 12.5 mile radius, (click here to check your address) we are pleased to provide additional support for your daughter’s application to CCHS.

This support includes:

For the Entrance test:

  • Supported registration for the entrance test with fully trained CCHS staff who will guide you through the registration process.
  • Personal access to a free online programme of questions and familiarisation support for the Chelmsford County High School Entrance Test.
  • Lower entrance test result required to gain a place. These girls will be placed at the top of the list, if their result in the CCHS Entrance Test falls in the top two bands of the entrance test results. We offer up to 30 extra places for girls who meet this criterion.

For girls who are offered and accept a school place at Chelmsford County High School:

  • Financial support with some school trips, including overseas curriculum-related trips.
  • Individual and small group extra tuition, if necessary
  • Financial support to learn a musical instrument
  • Revision booklets, stationery and materials to facilitate learning
  • Uniform starter pack; Monkhouse, our uniform supplier, have very generously agreed to provide a uniform starter pack, at no cost, when the student joins the school in Year 7.

Please be assured that of the school’s confidentiality of the financial arrangements.

All support is given discreetly so no family can be identified. Permission will be sought to approach your daughter’s primary school to confirm eligibility.