Parent & Student Feedback


  • [CCHS’s work with the National Association for Able Children in Education, NACE]…goes to show the marvellous work that the school does to help raise, educate and empower our young ladies.
  • [CCHS’s work with the National Association for Able Children in Education, NACE]…you all do an amazing job and offer the girls such opportunity.
  • I am writing…to express our sincere thanks to the school. We are…deeply grateful to everyone at CCHS for the support and wonderful teaching…We look forward to her journey continuing in Sixth Form in the CCHS community where she feels a very valued member.


Student Survey (Summer 2024) – we provide a flavour of the comments submitted by students from across all year groups, who explained what they find particularly helpful.

  • Year 7
    • French and German…do regular vocabulary tests or quizzes to make sure you know the words and the links for them are really helpful, such as Memorise and Quizlet.
    • I think Science has really improved my understanding from what I had learnt in primary school.
    • In maths the examples and notes taken, help me a lot when revising for tests.
    • I have found the Homework Club afterschool on Wednesdays to be particularly helpful. If you feel like you get distracted easily at home, this is a great place to go just to finish of any work.
  • Year 8
    • I really enjoy and love doing extra-curricular clubs which help me to improve in all sports I do.
    • I find that Latin helps with learning other languages and we learn a lot about the roots of other languages in Latin lessons.
    • I have found History helpful as it helps me with English and sometimes relates with Latin.
    • The competitions that are offered to us help me research things in subjects I usually would not do.
  • Year 9
    • STEM Leaders has helped me gain more confidence when presenting a PowerPoint or giving a speech.
    • The debate we did on ‘Far from the Madding Crowd’…was awesome and helped me fully understand the story.
    • I have found Maths particularly helpful because the work is challenging which further helps me improve in a subject.
    • When a teacher models how to complete a question, I feel more confident that I can do so myself by applying the same method.
  • Year 10
    • The History Department…offer various interactive ways of processing historical fact…and encourage use of colour in notes…The Religious Education Department, with information easily presented, various interactive ways of taking in information.
    • Suggesting ways of tackling a question before actually finding out the method of how to do it.
    • For Maths, my teacher helps us to explore beyond what we are expected to know to further our knowledge.
    • STEM Club and Electronics Club.
  • Year 11
    • Doing extracurricular Music helps with the GCSE course.
    • By going to Geography support after school on Wednesdays…I have gained more understanding.
    • Subject related enrichment days e.g., Maths Masterclass.
    • Having practice questions at the start of a lesson on a random previous topic we have done.
  • Year 12
    • Biology and Chemistry – if I am unsure on anything my teachers always take time to explain it again clearly.
    • Economics has been really supportive, always ensuring we know…[the teacher’s]…there to mark our work whatever we send whenever we send, very clear on what I need to do in the subject and very confident too.
    • I find doing lots of essay questions together very helpful, putting together points and ideas that the class has formulated…into a model structure is a very useful revision resource for subjects like English and RS.
    • Clinics for different subjects…being given further reading and work to further consolidate whether I understand.
  • Year 13
    • I found frequent past paper questions particularly useful.
    • Example answers in essay subjects, breakdowns of mark schemes, and short quizzes in class to ensure understanding.
    • Homework packs on topics covered when they are marked by a teacher with feedback on where to improve and why answers were wrong.
    • Writing model answers as a class, and mind-mapping in class.

Parent Survey (Autumn 2023) – we provide a flavour of the comments submitted by parents from across all year groups.

  •  Year 7
    • Fun and engaging lessons. Friendly and nice teachers.
    • I am very impressed with the enrichment activities and events…and the number and variety of clubs available.
    • A real strong sense of community and belonging. I like the homework logbooks; this really helps with responsibility. I think students are given adequate time to complete homework tasks.
    • My daughter is enjoying her time at school; she has made friends and she feels at home when at school. She is enjoying new subjects and the hands-on experience of science topics. We are also pleased to see a range of different assignments. We very much appreciate the work that the PA does to support the school.
    • The school makes it easy to keep in touch through the use of communication software.
  • Year 8
    • Excellent school. Staff are always approachable and friendly. My child is happy, supported and doing well. Incredibly impressive onboarding before she started, which put her at ease. Excellent pastoral care. Headteacher and all teaching staff appear to be the ideal mix of firm yet friendly. I consider my child very lucky to be able to attend the school.
    • I am impressed by the variety of clubs available and believe these are adding an important extra dimension to my daughter’s education.  I am also impressed by the dedication of the teachers and their willingness to help – I think this makes a significant difference to my daughter’s progress.
    • We love that CCHS is not just an academic hothouse, a possible danger for grammar schools, but embraces the whole child, valuing the extracurricular and pastoral side of things as much as the academic.
    • The school community is lovely. They are developing amazing caring girls. The enrichment days and extra activities really add happiness to the children’s day. The teachers are really enthusiastic and very knowledgeable in their subjects making the days fun. The school really cares about the girls’ wellbeing. My child is very happy at this school.
    • Empowerment of students and encouraging them to fulfil their potential.
  • Year 9
    • Holistic approach…You recognise them as individuals with their own strengths and passions. I think the extra touches such as karaoke competitions, interform sports competitions, decorate your class, etc. are fantastic.
    • Communication with individual teachers is positive and very helpful. Creative lesson planning by teachers motivates my daughter.
    • Academic excellence, continuous communication and encouragement. Nice friendly environment for students to excel.
    • Emphasis on both curriculum and extra-curricular activities.
    • CCHS’s communication with parents is top notch and as a result we know how and where to support our children. CCHS PA is an asset.
  • Year 10
    • Excellent pastoral support. Teachers are very proactive with this – respond and address emails promptly. Ambitious curriculum.
    • The SEND department are the most amazing, well-informed, caring and compassionate people.
    • Outward-looking approach, very good teaching methods, ambitious teaching and good behaviour expectations.
    • Students gain in independence by being encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning, organisation and admin and are encouraged to help others and trusted to take leadership roles where appropriate.
    • My daughter particularly enjoys the House competitions, and the music and dance performances are outstanding!
  • Year 11
    • Extremely dedicated members of staff who inspire and motivate students. Very high expectations set for behaviour and academic achievement…Expectations are in line with students’ ability to achieve.
    • My daughter is always encouraged by all the teachers, including Headteacher, to excel in her academic performance. She is supported by the teachers to participate in different STEM activities, English creative-writing competitions, etc.
    • My daughter feels challenged and engaged. I have always loved hearing about the interform competitions and the effort they all put in is brilliant.
    • A caring environment. I am very happy my daughter attends CCHS. Also CCHS is always seeking to improve, and is very forward thinking.
    • The school is very friendly and is a very positive environment in which to learn.
  • Year 12
    • The teaching staff encourage the girls to achieve their personal best in academic and extra-curricular activities.
    • Excellent academic success of students and staff who really care about their pupils.
    • SEN and pastoral support are outstanding. Leadership is excellent and every member of staff is empowered, positive, and genuinely cares for each student.
    • I particularly love the leadership opportunities offered across every school year.
    • The enrichment and leadership opportunities are numerous and allow my daughter to develop academically and personally, sometimes in areas that she wouldn’t ordinarily be drawn to.  CCHS has such a broad offer and is not an academic production line.  School leaders are willing to embrace change.
  • Year 13
    • My daughter has been extremely happy since she joined the Sixth Form last year. Academically she is doing well and…I found her teachers and pastoral care to be excellent.
    • The sense of community and mutual support amongst the girls.
    • Clear and strong leadership and encouraging students to take part in activities.
    • My daughter has been offered a wealth of enjoyable and challenging opportunities at CCHS – academic, extra-curricular and leadership. I have been delighted to watch her grow into a confident, independent adult.
    • My daughter’s time at CCHS has been happy and the school has worked hard to ensure she realises her potential.  The school is a nurturing environment and we are all very grateful for the time she has spent with you and know it has given her a solid grounding for the rest of her life.

  • Thank you so very, very, much to all the staff at CCHS for all your care, support and kindness, and of course, for all your hard work to ensure that girls and young women in your care have the best education (academic and life-wise), that they are enriched with all the opportunities that are available to them and that they have the best start in life.
  • …thank you and your staff for organising such a wonderful event [Open Evening]. I fully appreciate how much time and effort goes into the planning of evenings like this…the enthusiasm of staff and students was very clear. We were particularly struck by the creativity of each department, all using a number of different ways to inspire the students…Our guides were exceptional young women – articulate and passionate…They were a real credit to the school.
  • Congratulations on the glowing Ofsted report. It is great to see the hard work and commitment put in by all the CCHS community being recognised.
  • Congratulations on a stunning Ofsted report! It was satisfying to see that the hard and skilled work of staff was well recognised across the complete range of responsibilities. Thank you for continuing to provide such an ambitious and yet caring environment for our young people to achieve their utmost.
  • We just wanted to send the entire team at CCHS our most heartfelt congratulations on the wonderful news that Ofsted has, once again, rated the school as OUTSTANDING!
  • Our daughter started in Year 7 in September and I would like to send a heartfelt thank you for the effort that have been made for the girls to settle in and the opportunities our daughter has already been able to enjoy. The Dance Show was beyond brilliant. To see so many girls throughout the whole school have so much fun and come together to enjoy dance was really special. When they all came out at the end we were blown away by the sheer number involved. The organisation behind the scenes must’ve been immense as the many transitions throughout the lengthy show were seamless. The Christmas Concert was another fabulous collaborative event. The calibre of music was outstanding but beyond that, what radiated from the stage, was a sense of enjoyment and togetherness from the girls. Additional to this I’ve heard a lot of positivity surrounding the house events!! House Karaoke seemed particularly popular! In addition to this we really feel that having the opportunity to take part in extra-curricular events so early on in the CCHS journey has made such a difference.All in all we’d like to thank all the staff that have helped put on these fabulous events, the teachers that directly help with the transition from primary school and all the wonderful older students that take their younger counterparts under their wings. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a fabulous 2024.
  • I would like to express my thanks to all involved in the music concerts this week. As always, the standard was amazing and the students a credit to all the music departments hard work and teaching. My daughter…absolutely loves all aspects of music at school and for that, I thank you all for the extra effort you put into organising the extracurricular clubs.
  • I wanted to say a huge well done for another sensational Christmas concert. It truly is such a privilege to listen to the incredibly talented young musicians. I loved every minute of the concert but I must say that the Symphony orchestra playing The Lord of the Rings is worthy of a West End production! Such an incredibly beautiful execution, showing great professionalism from all involved.
  • A HUGE thank you and well done for bringing together yet another amazing dance show! It really is just fabulous to watch; both in terms of the fantastic stage and lighting display and also the camaraderie of the girls involved…Thank you again for enabling the joy of music and dance to be brought to us all.
  • I wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude for the exceptional support and care provided… The staff’s prompt attention, expertise and compassion…have been invaluable…We are grateful to have such a supportive and dedicated staff at CCHS.
  • I would like to say a heartfelt thanks to you and your team…as their dedication and commitment is truly remarkable and very much appreciated
  • I just wanted to write a quick message to thank all those involved in the Spring Concert…It was a wonderful evening showcasing so many talents and the hard work of staff and students.
  • I just wanted to pass on my huge congratulations to all involved in the superb Spring Concert. The music was fantastic, as always, and it was great to see the girls enthusiasm to perform. Last night was our daughter’s last concert which made it particularly poignant; however, we have countless memories of other wonderful performances over the years. CCHS has such a rich Music Department with fantastic teachers and great opportunities for the girls to perform. Our daughter’s time at school has been greatly enriched by her music lessons and the performances she has had the opportunity to be involved in.
  • Thank you so much for all your hard work regarding yesterday’s [Britten Sinfonia] workshop and concert – my daughter had such a good time and we loved the concert afterwards. It was so inspiring to see such amazing musicians playing alongside the children and then to hear them perform as an ensemble was a fantastic bonus!
  • After 11 year’s association with CCHS we wanted to say a big thank you to all the teachers that have taught and supported our two daughters…They both thoroughly enjoyed their 7 years at school. The hard work and commitment of the teachers and the numerous extra-curricular opportunities they have been given over those years has enabled them to flourish in their educational journey and blossom into independent women who have both followed their passions.


Parent Survey (Autumn 2022) – we provide a flavour of the comments submitted by parents from across all year groups.

  • Year 7
    • My daughter is very proud to be part of the school and she has already made some very good friends.
    • My daughter was thrilled to gain admission to CCHS and has been very happy since joining. Credit to the school for the whole onboarding experience and aiding the children make new friends and take on the new responsibilities of managing their time and money. We are over the moon that our daughter goes to school happy everyday – credit to teachers and fellow students including older girls.
    • Our daughter has gained in self-confidence which demonstrates that she feels safe in her learning environment.
    • Really impressed by the Year 7 information evening and the school’s sense of fun.
    • The induction seminar for parents was brilliant. All the teachers came across warm, compassionate and enthusiastic about their field and we came away knowing out child was in capable hands. It was great to know that you care not only for the academic lives of the children but also their mental health. We have also enjoyed the online extra support for parents. The induction for the girls was really good too. My daughter went in so confidently after taking part in the sports sessions and the other induction activities organised.
  • Year 8
    • I like that girls are not overly burdened with homework and are able to pursue other things of interest.
    • Extracurricular provision and leadership opportunities are great.
    • The recently added academic and sports facilities are excellent.
    • Opportunity to meet students from various backgrounds.
    • Positive ethos. Lots of opportunities. Clear focus on encouraging women leaders. Excellent communication with parents through weekly newsletter and messages.
  • Year 9
    • Girls are encouraged to be themselves and not compromise or alter their personality to fit in – difference is valued.
    • My daughter enjoys a wide range of opportunities at CCHS, including a variety of clubs; a good school trip; participating in sports day despite not feeling ‘sporty; different positions of responsibility throughout the school; and mixing with a range of peers.
    • I believe the school values my daughter as a whole person, not just an exam statistic.
    • I love the support and encouragement the school provides for my daughter. The staff teach to a high standard and my daughter is thriving and achieving thanks to their support.
    • Great enthusiastic knowledgeable teachers.
  • Year 10
    • I really like the sense of community that I feel my daughter experiences at the school.
    • Fantastic open environment that encourages free thinking, debate and challenge.
    • Every child matters.
    • The number of subjects, curriculum, clubs, extracurricular activities, number of various events that takes place is really astonishing.
    • Acceptance of diversity is great at the school. We love the fact the school does not just concentrate on academics, but helping our daughters grow as well-rounded young people.
  • Year 11
    • SEN provision and advice have been invaluable.
    • My daughter loves the House events; she has made great friendships; teachers are friendly and approachable and the teaching overall has been to a high standard.
    • Academic results.
    • Good communication with parents.
    • Pastoral care here is first rate. The SEN provision is excellent…LGBTQ understanding is fantastic.
  • Year 12
    • CCHS is very well run by the Senior Management and the leadership qualities runs throughout the school. Students are focussed and well-mannered…and this creates a great atmosphere for learning.
    • My daughter loves being part of the CCHS community and feels challenged and pushed and supported at all times.
    • Individual teachers go above and beyond.
    • Pastoral care has been excellent and hugely supportive at all times.
    • Very proud of the person she has become; the school has helped her to be well rounded both academically and personally.
  • Year 13
    • The school has supported my daughter’s journey through the school. She feel happy, safe and secure enough to shine.
    • Great community feel, very good communication regarding local issues, e.g. train strikes, road works, student safety etc.
    • Academically the school is excellent.
    • The cultural aspects of CCHS are very rich, particularly the arts performances, such as the productions and concerts.
    • High academic achievement and extensive all-round experience.

  • I just wanted to pass on my huge congratulations to all involved in the superb Spring Concert…The music was fantastic, as always, and it was great to see the girls enthusiasm to perform. Last night was our daughter’s last concert which made it particularly poignant; however, we have countless memories of other wonderful performances over the years. CCHS has such a rich Music Department with fantastic teachers and great opportunities for the girls to perform. Our daughter’s time at school has been greatly enriched by her music lessons and the performances she has had the opportunity to be involved in.
  • What fabulous [Spring] concerts you put on over the last two nights! We were so impressed by the ensembles and the joyful playing and singing – everyone must have worked so hard…the end results were just beautiful! Thank you for all your work.
  • I just wanted to write a quick message to thank all those involved in the Spring Concert…It was a wonderful evening showcasing so many talents and the hard work of staff and students.
  • Choosing a superlative to describe [the Spring Concert] was difficult, but we settled on ‘joyous’! We enjoyed it immensely. The students performed wonderfully.
  • It [the Dance Show] was absolutely amazing! Loved every minute of it – well done to all involved.
  • I’m just writing to pass on my huge congratulations for what was an absolutely incredible show! I was blown away by the talent and sheer brilliance of it all. The CCHS a production of Little Shop of Horrors was of such a high standard that I completely forgot that I was watching a secondary school production! The acting was totally brilliant, the singing absolutely stunning and the band were phenomenal! I came twice and loved every minute. The set was truly amazing too!  It was very clear that so much time, work and energy had gone in to producing a show of such a high standard. It was so much fun to watch…Well Done CCHS.
  • I’m compelled to write…a note to say congratulations, and a huge thank you for your extraordinary effort in producing Little Shop [of Horrors]. The show was an unqualified triumph, and the parent grapevine says that your audiences were blown away by the sheer quality of the production. Audiences were especially impressed by the fullness of the girls’ contributions. It’s a very rare school that can match theatre skills with musical skills to such a standard. Vocal coaching was evident throughout the production, as was the quality of the senior girls’ choreography. It is clear that you have at your disposal a dream team of arts teachers and talent, at a very challenging time for performance arts in education as a whole. There is no other state school in Essex that is producing performances of this quality. It makes a difference for the girls, and should be an immense source of pride. My daughter…has been so proud to be a part of this brilliant production, and can’t wait for the next one…Thank you and congratulations again. You have created something here that will live with the girls forever
  • Last night’s Christmas concert was such a delight! We thoroughly enjoyed the production, amazingly grown-up performances by junior and senior choirs, instrument bands and the orchestra. It was great to have the opportunity to witness a live performance.  The students supported each other greatly and the concert ran very smoothly indeed.
  • It was a brilliant and inspiring presentation. I feel really reassured that the girls are in great hands.
  • I just wanted to say thank you so much to you and all your team for organising such a great trip to Snowdonia [Geography] this week.  My daughter very much enjoyed the field trip and all the activities.  She said that it had been a very good learning experience as well as good fun.
  • Thank you all for your guidance & support for our daughter to get a place at Cambridge University to read maths.
  • Just would like to say a big thank you to everyone at school that helped and encouraged my daughter during her first week at CCHS. It has been a fantastic start for her, and she enjoyed every moment of it. I wish and am sure she will continue to enjoy her school life, with the support from all her lovely teachers and friends. Her comments – all my teachers are sooooo nice 🙂


  • Student Survey (Autumn 2021) 858 individual responses; 220 from the Sixth Form; OFSTED-style questions.
    • How do you feel about the quality of education we offer in school? 93% of students said they were Confident or Very Confident.
    • I enjoy learning at Chelmsford County High School. 96% agreed that they enjoyed learning here.
    • “I know that I can go to my teachers or email them for help”
    • “I find the ‘extending your thinking’ questions really useful because it helps us to develop our knowledge”
    • “…it is always made clear how the different topics link to each other”
  • Year 7
    • CCHS is like a second family to me.
    • I have felt indescribable warmth from the older girls, extreme kindness, and lovely food.
  • Year 8
    • To me, CCHS does not just mean a school, it means a community.
    • The school has changed me…the whole community has helped me.
  • Year 9
    • Thanks to CCHS, I know when I bid a final goodbye to the school, I am confident that I will be able to take on any challenge.
    • The school means courage to speak up, opportunities to expand your knowledge, teachers to show you your best, friendships, and a community to remind you that you are not alone.
  • Year 10
    • I am so proud to be part of this inspirational community – CCHS means the world to me.
    • Thanks to my amazing teachers and supportive friends, I finally understand Physics!
  • Year 11
    • I have made friends and memories that I will cherish forever.
    • CCHS has given me the voice that I thought I never had, and has granted me opportunities that I did not think were possible.
  • Sixth Form
    • I have never felt alone or helpless
    • To me, CCHS is my home – it is not a concrete skeleton filled with wandering souls searching for a purpose, but rather a cocoon, providing a safe space where one can grow, intellectually and emotionally.

  • I have just sat down to watch the [Christmas] concert…So moving to see the girls performing together again…It was a beautiful concert, thank you so much for your hard work. Please be assured that it really means a lot.
  • We watched the Christmas concert…I just wanted to say how impressed we were by all of it, it was absolutely wonderful. Thank you so much to everyone involved, for giving us such a lovely event to watch. These girls are very lucky to be under the wing of such brilliant, dedicated staff and to be given such opportunities as these musical concerts.
  • Thank you so much to every single member of staff at school for all that you do to ensure our children are kept safe and well and absolutely engaged in their learning. Wishing you and yours safe keeping and a wonderful festive Christmas holiday.
  • I wanted to send you a short note to say I spent some of my Sunday helping out with the mock [university] interviews.  It was an amazing experience.  I was just so impressed by the girls and think this is such a testament to the teaching staff.  The passion, the engagement and the humour all came through.  I had expected to enjoy it but maybe not quite as much.  I think the school should be so proud of everything they’ve done in such a difficult time.  I’m so pleased that my daughter is at the school and has the opportunity to grow in such a positive environment.
  • Just a thank you from me for all your extracurricular clubs, the coming dance show, science practicals, concerts and for having the disco last week.  I really appreciate you letting the girls have normal things again in their school life.
  • Ahead of my daughter starting 6th form at CCHS, I just wanted to write to thank you for the superb education she received at CCHS from Years 7-11. She has thrived at CCHS both academically and socially, finding like-minded friends and inspirational teachers. She loved the house events, joined many clubs and enjoyed sporting and musical opportunities alike. To my mind CCHS has been the best place for her to receive her education and has given her a great start in life. I would also like to thank you, the SLT and all the teachers who have provided great leadership and shown real compassion whilst continuing to educate the girls to a high standard throughout the last two difficult years.


  • Thank you so much for your joint phenomenal effort over this past, challenging academic year.  It is lovely to read that some of the restrictions will no longer be needed as of September, and reminds me of just how trying the circumstances have been for everyone this last academic year.  I would like to express our gratitude to you and your team for continuing in as normal a fashion as was possible through this time. Have a well-deserved relaxing summer break.
  • Thank you again to all the staff, for your work in these difficult circumstances.  We do appreciate it.
  • A very big thank you to all the staff, teaching, admin, etc. for the great effort at keeping the school open for so long. They really, really appreciate it and hope we all have a chance to get a well-earned rest over the Christmas hols.
  • We just watched the virtual Christmas concert and wanted to let you know how fantastic we thought it was, and how much we thoroughly enjoyed it – exquisite. A real sparkle of light amongst all the doom and gloom we’ve had just lately. Brilliantly put together too. Thank you so much.
  • We have all faced challenges this year that we could not have predicted but throughout these difficult times you have managed to keep the CCHS community connected. We have been so impressed by the way the leadership team and staff at the school have managed to tackle everything that’s been thrown at them whilst continuing to inspire the girls and retain a sense of normality.  …… I cannot imagine how hard it must have been to navigate through the ever changing regulations, risk assessments and Health concerns. To manage the logistics of bubbles and building work.  Not to mention the chaos caused by the roadworks and the additional crossing patrol roles you have had to take on. …… Before you all take a well deserved break, we wanted to say ‘Thank you’ to you and all the teachers and staff at the school for everything you have done. Thank you for the reassuring emails and updates which have kept us informed, for the competitions, memories and moments that you have celebrated each week and most importantly for putting the safety and welfare of the girls and their education at the heart of everything you do. ….. Thank you so much and Merry Christmas.
  • As we are now at the end of the school year, we wanted to express our sincere gratitude to each and every one of you. This year has been a challenge for everyone, especially those in education. We know how difficult it has been to totally rethink the school day, the way everybody moves and eats on site as well as how difficult it has become to actually work in such a high-pressure environment.Our children’s welfare and that of you as a team, has been a clear priority and communication to the school as a community has been clear, thoughtful and well-intended.The site staff have done an amazing job as have the wonderful catering team, patient office staff, support team, library staff and teachers. We have witnessed the warmth that greets the girls each day, ensuring they are safe as they arrive and leave, with senior staff overseeing them.Teachers have gone above and beyond, and extra thanks go to Mrs. Adams for her wonderful and caring endeavours, along with Mrs. Greenland who has been a rock.Caring gestures such as those of Frau Bennett and Frau Cannon, who made activity packs for the girls over Christmas. Excellent teaching from the likes of Mr. Copper, who not only is an excellent teacher but very mindful of the wellbeing of his students. Mr. Hughes, Mrs. Chumbley, Mrs Jarvis, Mr Lodge, Miss Stone, so many we could personally mention for their uplifting lessons and ability to put a smile on the faces of the girls on the darkest of days.  Also, thanks to new staff who joined the school at the very worst time, and are adapting and making our girls feel valued and supported.Thanks also to the heads of year who are working hard to ensure the smooth running of their year groups in a rapidly changing environment.Warm conversation from the canteen team as the girls collect food is much apricated by our girls who frequently mention how kind the ladies are. They are always friendly and able to remember the names of the girls. Such interactions are really important, especially on tough days.From personal experience we want to say a huge thanks to the office team, who are the face and voice of CCHS every day. Always friendly and helpful, even when faced with difficult situations, it has not gone unnoticed.No doubt you all need a good break and rest to be with your own bubble this Christmas, and whatever form it may take, we wish each and every one of you a well-deserved break.
  • Just a quick note to thank you and your staff for all your efforts over this term. It must have taken a huge amount of work to keep the girls and staff safe whilst maintaining lessons, both in class and online.
  • I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to you for everything you have been doing in school, on behalf of myself, my husband and daughter. We have been so impressed with your care of and commitment to the students, and the communication of all the vital information in this very tricky time.  Our daughter has settled in happily and confidently and this was particularly shown by her being so pleased to be able to ‘go’ to school today after being poorly yesterday and missing out.
  • I just wanted to write to congratulate and thank you for the sensitive and supportive way your team have handled the cancelling of exams and closure of school. The rapidly arranged  leaving activities made a big difference and the understanding all the teachers and staff have shown have really helped my daughter to deal with the strange situation in which we find ourselves. So thank you all, so much; please know that your kindness and thoughtfulness are greatly appreciated.
  • Warm conversation from the canteen team as the girls collect food is much appreciated by our girls who frequently mention how kind the ladies are. They are always friendly and able to remember the names of the girls. Such interactions are really important, especially on tough days.
  • We just wanted to say a big thank you to yourself and all the staff at CCHS for this term. My daughter, started in Year 7 this September and has had an absolutely brilliant time.  We really appreciate the fact that you have all worked so hard to keep the school open and safe, and also managed to give them such a happy positive experience.
  • I would like to thank you and all the other staff at CCHS who over this difficult time have continued to provide the girls with fantastic teaching and support.
  • I am sure this is an extremely tough time for all staff, and has obviously been a strange and difficult term.  We really appreciate how the school has tackled this pandemic, and hope that all staff are able to have a well-deserved break over the Christmas period.
  • I just wanted to say thank you very much – since your chat with my daughter, she’s so much more encouraged again.  I’d also like to add how you and all the rest of the school staff deserve so much praise for how you’ve managed so brilliantly this year. We really do appreciate how lucky we are to be part of such a wonderful school.
  • In the unprecedented situation we all find ourselves in, we just wanted to express our gratitude to your staff for the amazing job you are all doing in these circumstances. The communication from yourselves has been clear and timely and the girls have been supported well by their teachers throughout.
  • I have worked as a tutor & been a governor in other schools & I can honestly say that I have never experienced such a strong community spirit as in CCHS. This will see everyone through.
  •  I have no doubt that your team will do all they can to provide as much support for all the girls and parents, and I think you are all doing a marvellous job in extremely difficult circumstances. I have no doubt that we will all get through this, and perhaps emerge a little stronger as a result.
  • May I take this opportunity of thanking all the staff and school for their excellent handling of this difficult situation. The numerous updates and calm attitude portrayed in school is very much appreciated.
  •  Throughout this pandemic we have been thoroughly impressed by ‘team CCHS’, and the wonderful way you have all handled the situation. Teaching has been first class,  full of fun, with well-planned lessons. Communication has be excellent in every way. Concerns answered and adjustments made in the most wonderful way.  Pastoral care has been fantastic,  from Senco support, to teachers, head of years, support staff and in general to the whole school community. We can’t imagine how difficult this has been to plan and deliver. Please know that we are thankful for all of you and the work that you do.
  • Just reading Mr Lawlor’s message has prompted me to write and say a massive thanks to all staff at CCHS for their immense support and thoughtfulness.  My daughter has felt empowered to do her work as normally as possible and we are supremely confident that this isn’t going to impact negatively on her education. She’s also been able to continue with her piano lessons via zoom which has been a joy to listen to!  Thank you 1 million times over for all the effort and hard work that goes on behind the scenes to make this difficult time feel so positive.


  • I just wanted to pass on our family’s deepest heartfelt thanks to everyone at CCHS for the way you have dealt with the extraordinary situation we all find ourselves in. Your response and support of our daughter’s education and wellbeing has been truly outstanding. The school has been exemplary in its communication with our daughter’s and us and is to be congratulated and celebrated wholeheartedly. This time has been an enormous challenge for everyone but your positivity has shone through and we thank you for that. We all wish you well with the new challenge of “the return to school” but feel confident that CCHS will deliver this with our daughter’s safety and best interest at its heart.  Thank you again, best of luck and stay safe.
  • I just wanted to write and thank you for the caring and compassionate way in which you have led the school over the last year. We are living in challenging times and I’m sure that the strength of your thoughtful and kind leadership has been a great support to the girls, not least today on hearing of the very sad passing of one of our girls. This year has been particularly difficult for the Year 11 and 13 girls who, having worked so hard are now unable to take their exams. However, with credit to you all, I understand that you  managed to fit most of a week’s worth of end of term celebrations into two days at very short notice and I know that this was hugely appreciated by the girls. Our sincere thanks to you and all at CCHS for your hard work particularly at this time.
  • We just wanted to pass on our sincere thanks to you and all your staff for the absolutely amazing way that you have continued to serve the students and parents of CCHS. Right from the start of this ordeal, CCHS staff have remained calm, supportive, strong and kind. You’ve put the best interest of the girls right at the heart of all that you’ve done. Being a teacher myself, I understand the extreme pressure faced by staff- first with the uncertainty surrounding school closure and then with the need to move to Remote Learning. It did make me smile (and feel proud) when the Government actually adopted the model that CCHS had already implemented days before. Your staff deserve to know that, as parents, we are incredibly grateful for the professional way in which the Remote Learning has and is still being set and monitored. In summary, we are incredibly grateful for the ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ message that pervades through your much welcomed communications and we all feel extremely lucky to be members of the CCHS community at this very challenging time. Thank you all once again. Your hard work does not go unnoticed or unappreciated.
  • I just had to write once again say ‘Thank You’ for your regular emails detailing current situation and how you and your staff are managing to try and keep some normality for the girls. I am truly blown away and impressed on how well you’ve tried to keep everything going. Thank you again for your amazing work and commitment to our girls!
  • I just wanted to write to congratulate and thank you for the sensitive and supportive way you and your team have handled the cancelling of exams and closure of school. The rapidly arranged  leaving activities made a big difference and the understanding all the teachers and staff have shown have really helped my daughter to deal with the strange situation in which we find ourselves. So, thank you all, so much; please know that your kindness and thoughtfulness are greatly appreciated. We are finding the updates from Ofqual and the government helpful too, so thank you for keeping us informed.
  • I just wanted to pass on my personal thanks to you for the way that you have managed the past few weeks. You have managed the cancellation of GCSEs in such a way as to comfort, reassure and encourage the girls, and send them away from you still feeling proud of what they have achieved during the past 5 years with you. On top of that you gave them a proper send off with the special assembly and lunch. You have quite simply looked after them and helped them through this hugely unsettling time, and I want to pass on my deepest and most heartfelt gratitude and appreciation. I hope you realise what a difference you have made to how the girls feel about this. I could go on, but I’ll just say it again – thank you so much, we won’t forget it.
  • I just want to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to you and all your staff for putting together such a brilliant farewell to our girls in such a short time. With best wishes to you all from a parent who is genuinely over-awed by your efforts this week.
  • I wanted to thank you and your staff for the way you have handled the Coronavirus situation with our girls.   You have kept us updated daily with relevant information, links and have tried to do the very best for the girls’ wellbeing and their education. THANK YOU!! After an emotional last day as a year 11 for my daughter…she is looking forward to being part of the school sixth in September!! Wishing you and your staff well.
  • I have just read the weekly celebration…I just wanted to say that I think Mr Lawlor, the teaching and office staff have done an incredible job this week, giving my  daughter a happy (in the circumstances) send-off and lots of work to stay on top of and I have been particularly impressed by your efforts to ensure that the Year 11 and especially the Year 13 girls got the send-off they deserve.  Amazing given that events unfolded so quickly – very well done.
  • I just wanted to send a quick thank you for your guidance and leadership of the school during this difficult time. My daughters both came home from school yesterday and told me how reassured they now feel having heard from yourself and the teaching staff. I, too, have drawn comfort from your regular, clear and helpful correspondence – thank you. I wish you and the staff well and look forward to normal school life resuming at some point in the future, whenever that may be. In the meantime, please pass on my thanks to the staff for continuing to teach the girls remotely. I know this will be a difficult and stressful process at times, so I am very grateful for everyone’s efforts in maintaining some sort of normality for the girls. With very best wishes for everyone at CCHS,
  • I wanted to thank you and your staff for doing all you can to keep my daughter’s education on track under the circumstances. Thank you for the continued updates on the everchanging situation. I wish you, your staff and families to stay safe in these challenging times.
  • I just wanted to thank you for all your hard work supporting pupils and parents at the current time. Your communications have been really useful and have such a warm and constructive feel to them. They clearly show how much planning and preparation you have all been doing. The fact that my daughter is able to look forward so positively at the moment is a credit to your efforts. Thank you for your ongoing support.
  • Please pass on our sincere thanks to Mr Lawlor, the Senior Leadership Team and all staff for their commitment to ensuring this crisis has as little effect on our girls’ education as possible. You’re all doing an amazing job at an extremely challenging time and your hard work is very much appreciated. Hope you and your families all stay well.
  • We all are in it together and these are unprecedented times. Please convey my thanks on behalf of all parents to Mr Lawlor and all school staff,  who are doing an excellent job,  and are our unsung heroes in this difficult time . It’s because of all your hard work with our children in the school, we parents in the UK workforce including the NHS, can go out and do our duties.